Le Spa
Zainspirowani francuskim szykiem postanowiliśmy stworzyć klinikę medycyny estetycznej na najwyższym światowym poziomie.
Nasza Filozofia
Naturalne piękno
Dzięki zabiegom w Le Spa zatrzymasz czas i wydobędziesz swoje naturalne piękno.
Profesjonalne zabiegi
Wszystkie zabiegi w Le Spa wykonujemy korzystając z profesjonalnych urządzeń najwyższej jakości.
Doskonale kosmetyki
W Le Spa pracujemy wyłącznie na profesjonalnych kosmetykach renomowanych marek.
Wyznaczanie trendów
Medycyna estetyczna rozwija się w błyskawicznym tempie, Le Spa to najnowsze technologie i zabiegi o światowej skuteczności.
Doświadczony personel
Team Le Spa to najlepsi kosmetolodzy i eksperci medycyny estetycznej, którzy zadbają o Twój wygląd i samopoczucie.
Indywidualne podejście
Dbamy o naszych Klientów dobierając zabiegi najlepiej odpowiadające ich potrzebom. Stawiamy na dyskrecję i profesjonalizm.

Le Spa
Le Spa to miejsce w sercu Warszawy, w którym możecie oddać się błogim chwilom relaksu w atmosferze luksusu. Oprócz wyjątkowej atmosfery zapewniamy naszym Gościom najwyższy standard usług, maksymalny poziom prywatności oraz dyskrecję.
Le Spa Team

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.
Piękno z najwyższej półki
W Le Spa stawiamy na jakość! Pracujemy na sprawdzonych kosmetykach i preparatach najlepszych marek.
Urządzenia z jakich korzystamy pochodzą od sprawdzonych dostawców i są serwisowane zgodnie z przyjętymi standardami.